Learn How to Easily Find, Attract & Convert your Dream Customer as a Purpose-led Small Business.

Learn everything from Pinterest Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Email Marketing and Mindset to attract your dream customers, increase your sales and propel your conscious small business in 2023 🎉

Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

5 New Ways To Attract More Customers Or Clients

As a sustainable small business, you will always want to attract more clients and customers. Here we show you how to attract clients and customers to your business so you can live the life of your dreams.

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Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy

6 Mistakes We Made When We Started Our Small Business

We have decided to put ourselves upfront and centre this week to share with you our own personal experience of running a business and the toughest lessons we have learned so far. We find that it’s articles like this that have been the most beneficial to us. We hope you find something in here that you can apply to your business and you don’t just feel like you are reading a 13 year old girl’s diary entry!

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Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy

6 Ways To Make Your Female Small Business Stand Out

We know how it is, you have an amazing business idea but you haven’t the foggiest when it comes to making it stand out in a busy marketplace. The chances are your business idea isn’t 100% original, and that’s fine; we live in a world where we are inundated with the same product or service. That part doesn’t matter and shouldn’t stop you, what does matter is that you build a brand around…

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Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy Marketing, Small Business Tips Nicole Betsy

5 Marketing Tips How To Attract Your Dream Client

We soon came to realise that it’s impossible to appeal to the masses, you will never win if your business offers a “one size fits all”. Once we learned this it was like the lights had been switched on! (Hallelujah!) We knew we needed to go niche, stand out and only appeal to a certain type of dream customer; one that shared the same beliefs as us, recognised our values and trusted…

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