About Us
We’re Nicole & James. Duo’s in every sense of the word - Partners, business partners and parents to our wee one.
How it started…
If we’re being specific - it was a rainy Tuesday morning in Sydney (Australia). That morning, the desire to avoid a long commute and depressing office was particularly strong.
At that time, our skillset to start a business was at about a ZERO, but our willingness to learn, fail, fail some more and then finally succeed was at 100.
The only thing we knew for certain was the name, and before we dragged ourselves off to work, Betsy & Francis had been born. Our two middle names. Romantic, hey?
Three years later, after the morning that changed our lives forever, we had built a 6-figure design studio branding some of the best independent brands in the health & wellness space.
Whilst helping these incredible brands we noticed that other small business owners looked good but didn’t know how to grow a sustainable business. Marketing was a mind field, and selling was stressful. It was these passionate souls who changed the direction of our business forever…
(During this time, we lived and worked in Australia in our little Bangalow bungalow. We were young, carefree and probably drank too much wine, but by god, did we have fun!)
How it’s going…
2019 - 2024
Over time, our work gradually moved into the coaching space. We found that we could make a much bigger impact on our client's lives by teaching them the skills we had learned to build our own business.
And that’s where we are today. We’ve taught small business owners how to market their businesses for the last four years. We took something they hated and made it fun, easy to digest, and most importantly taught them how to get results.
We’re proud to say that we have now coached over 200 creatives & coaches on how to grow their businesses online and experience true freedom.
(In April 2022, we moved back home to the UK to be closer to family for our first child. In June 2022, wee Jude was born, and we’ve been insanely happy and tired ever since)
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Download our 6-step guide to attract the clients who make you love your business. More money, more time and less confusion - we promise!
👉 6-step strategy to earn more money with fewer clients.
👉 Actionable steps to keep you and your business moving forward.
👉 The exact roadmap that has helped 200+ clients find freedom.
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👉 Finally, get the direction you’ve been looking for.