Learn How to Easily Find, Attract & Convert your Dream Customer as a Purpose-led Small Business.

Learn everything from Pinterest Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Email Marketing and Mindset to attract your dream customers, increase your sales and propel your conscious small business in 2023 🎉

Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

3 Mind Blowing ChatGPT Tips for Small Business

This blog post will show you how ChatGPT will help you create content, grow your email list, and write emails that nurture your dream customer into a sale. You can watch the video on our Youtube Channel

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Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

Why You're Not Growing on Instagram In 2022

Instagram doesn't hate you! Its aim is to keep you on the platform for as long as possible, and I know that, as a conscious business owner, you struggle with this. So, if you're feeling stuck with Instagram, here are a couple of quick and easy fixes to give your business a boost!

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Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

3 Things You Need To Do Weekly To Grow Your Small Business

How do I grow my small business and attract dream clients? This is one of the most common questions sustainable small businesses ask us. When it comes to growing your small business there are 3 things you should be doing on a weekly basis.

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Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

How To Get More Followers on Instagram (Beginners Guide)

Are you trying to attract dream clients and get more followers on Instagram? If the answer is yes, Instagram marketing should be a key part of your marketing strategy. Here are 7 actionable tips that will help your sustainable small business get more followers on Instagram in 2022.

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Nicole Betsy Nicole Betsy

How To Set Up Your Instagram To Attract Dream Clients

Attract dream clients to your sustainable business through Instagram marketing. Attracting your dream clients through Instagram marketing doesn't need to be hard but you do need to properly set up your Instagram bio. Learn Instagram bio ideas to attract dream clients and get leads from Instagram.

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